Q. Why don’t my test results match exactly against the color chart?
A. It’s likely your results will not EXACTLY match the color chart. This is quite normal. You should choose the CLOSEST color of both pads to match to the chart supplied.
If you are not getting an exact match to the color chart, this means you are testing in between ranges, or you may be testing at irregular or inaccurate times. Please remember to test 2hrs after eating. If your strip isn't matching directly to the pH chart, take the top color and match it with its closest color on the pH test strip as it is the most stable.
Ideally you want both pads to match the color chart. The reason why there are two pads on the strips is for a more accurate reading, one of the colors goes from neutral to alkaline and the other goes from neutral to acidic so in essence going different directions on the PH scale.
Sometimes you won't get the pads to match the chart 100% because they work in .25 increments. For example, if your pH level is at 6.63 and the color chart on the box goes from 6.50 to 6.75 then you would get slightly lighter colors than the 6.75.
Q. Why are there two color strips on the pH strip?
A. The reason why there are two pads on the strips is for a more accurate reading, one of the colors goes from neutral to alkaline and the other goes from neutral to acidic, so each test pad is going different directions on the PH scale.
Q. What is a healthy pH level for my Urine & Saliva?
A. A healthy pH level is approx. to 7.0 for both Urine and Saliva.
Q. What does pH mean?
A. pH stands for Potential of Hydrogen. It is the measurement of acidity in a solution (urine/Saliva) in correlation with the activity of Hydrogen.
Q. When is the best time to test your pH levels?
A. It is best to test the second morning urine. When testing the second morning urine also test your saliva at this time too. If you miss this time you can choose either, 2 hours after breakfast, or 2 hours after lunch.
Q. How often should you test your pH levels?
A. You can test as often as you like, however to get an average it is best to test once a day at the same time for 8 days and record your results so you can work out averages.
Q. How long do I need to put the pH test strip into the liquid?
A. The Urine or Saliva needs to cover both test pads for 3-5 seconds. Shake off any excess liquid, Then wait 15 seconds to read the pH level and match to color chart.
Q. How many test strips are there in a bottle?
A. The Just Fitter Test strips have 125 strips in each bottle.
Q. How long do I wait to match to the color chart?
A. Wait 15 seconds before matching to the color chart.
Q. Can I test my canine’s pH levels?
A. Yes. Collect the sample on the test strip and match to the color chart
Q. If I soak the pH strips for longer will I get better results?
A. No. You should only dip the pH test strip in the Urine or Saliva for 3-5 seconds. Shake off excess liquid, then read results after 15 seconds.
Q. Can I put the pH strip into my mouth?
A. No. Spit the Saliva onto a clean spoon and dip the test strip into the saliva for 3-5 seconds making sure that both test pads are covered. Then wait 15 seconds to read your pH result and match to the color chart. For most accurate results you should test 2 hours after meals. Don’t rinse your mouth with water, or brush your teeth prior to testing.
Q. Can you be too alkaline?
A. Being overly alkaline is abnormal, but possible. If you are overly alkaline this means that your body is producing ammonia, which causes alkalosis. Talk to your health care practitioner for advice.
Q. What is a healthy pH level for my Urine & Saliva?
A. A healthy pH level is approx. to 7.0 for both Urine and Saliva.
Q. Can I use the Just Fitter pH Strips to test water?
A. No. The Just Fitter pH strips are for testing Urine and Saliva and have reactors for buffered solutions in the strips to get more accurate readings. It is best to use a specific water test strip 0–14 to test water & food.
Q. Is there an expiry date for the pH strips?
A. Yes. The pH strips have a shelf life of 24 months (2 Years).
Q. Which test is more accurate. The Urine or Saliva?
A. The urine test is more accurate than the saliva test. Urine will generally be about .25 more acidic than your saliva. The reason for the range difference is because more acids are excreted through the urinary system than through the mouth.