Concerned about your internal health? With Just Fitter’s saliva and urine pH test strips on Amazon, you can check your body’s pH levels - key health indicators - in just 15 seconds every morning.
Health starts on the inside. If your body’s acidity level gets too high, it could lead to conditions such as metabolic acidosis, with symptoms like rapid heartbeat, impaired cognition, and fatigue.
Daily life is tough enough for most of us as it is, and a chronic health condition would make it even tougher. One key health indicator is your body’s pH levels – if they’re more alkaline than acidic, within a certain range, then you’re on the right track.
Just Fitter saliva and urine pH test strips, available on Amazon, can help you accurately monitor your pH levels every morning, and it’ll only take 15 seconds of your time. Many customers have already enjoyed the benefits of using these strips, as the 12,000-plus reviews on the product’s Amazon page show.
With Just Fitter's pH testing strips kit, now you can take a look at your health from the inside. The kit consists of 125 strips, a color test chart, and user-friendly PDF instructions provided by the company.
Find out more at https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Alkaline-Monitor-Accurate-Seconds/dp/B01GFSEB00
You use the pH test strips to track your body’s pH levels by putting them in contact with a saliva or urine sample in mid-morning. You'll see results within just 15 seconds - the pads on the strips will change color to show the most accurate 0.25 pH range. Then you compare your results to the color test chart.
It’s important to maintain a healthy body fluid pH ratio of 70% alkaline and 30% acid because an overly acidic environment can help harmful bacteria flourish in your body, and an overgrowth of these bacteria can lead to dis-ease conditions.
Some health experts believe healthy pH levels can be maintained by eating an alkaline diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables. If you're interested in such an approach, Just Fitter’s saliva and urine pH test strips will directly show you whether or not your diet is impacting your pH levels.
To maintain the test strips’ accuracy, you should keep the bottle sealed and stored in a dry place. If they malfunction due to overexposure to heat or light, you can contact Just Fitter for an immediate replacement.
Since 2015, Just Fitter has been helping sports enthusiasts worldwide “create a better you.” Founder Michael Fullick’s fitness products quickly became known for their innovative, comfortable features. Fullick has even written PDF guides for each product, so you can learn how to best use your purchase and the benefits you can expect to see and feel.
“I’m starting to feel like my old self again,” one happy customer said. “It was so scary to think it was only going to get worse, so I searched for answers. Order these strips and change your life! Both my husband and I use these, and both of us feel a lot better. These strips are heaven-sent - get them!”
"Dis-ease can't survive in an alkaline body," said Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg. Many factors in daily life today promote over-acidity in the body, from processed food and too much stress to overuse of antibiotics and prolonged exercise. Just Fitter's pH testing strips can help you fight the good fight on the inside so you can show up better on the outside.
Get your Just Fitter saliva and urine pH test strips on Amazon today at https://www.amazon.com/Testing-Alkaline-Monitor-Accurate-Seconds/dp/B01GFSEB00