TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) machines are a non-pharmacological method for managing pain during labor and delivery. These devices work by delivering small electrical impulses to the skin, which can help to reduce pain perception and increase endorphin release. TENS machines are portable, non-invasive, and can be used in conjunction with other pain management methods. The use of TENS machines during labor is considered safe and has been shown to be effective in reducing pain and discomfort during labor. TENS machines are becoming increasingly popular as a natural way to...
Continue ReadingIntroduction Have you ever wondered how feminine wipes came to be? The answer is simple. Feminine wipes have been used by women for thousands of years. While they're not new, their use has become more mainstream over time. In this article, we'll explore the history of feminine wipes and why they're so useful! What are feminine wipes? Toilet paper is essential, but when it comes to getting you as clean as possible during your period. Feminine wipes, or feminine washcloths, are a disposable hygiene product that's used to clean the...
Continue ReadingIntroduction Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common type of infection in women. They can range from mild to severe and have many causes, such as a bladder infection or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Uterus is the organ that fertilizes an egg cell. A UTI occurs when bacteria make their way into your uterus, causing an infection in this delicate area of your body. If you have any symptoms at all, it’s important to see a doctor immediately! What Causes UTIs? You might be wondering what causes UTIs. The...
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